You know you’re meant to shine. You desire to live a life that feels deliciously expansive and deeply fulfilling.

This is the story of how I uncovered my mission to help women become healthy, empowered, and radiant from the inside out.

Hi, I am Liana and I am a Holistic
Wellness Coach
based in London.

I support ambitious women tap into their personal power so they can create a life filled with confidence, purpose, and joy.

But to know how I arrived here, you must know where I started from.

My journey began in hospitality at the age of 16. I’ve always enjoyed being of service and working with people. It gave me the freedom to travel the world and explore my inner self. That’s when my wounds came to the surface. My upbringing was difficult, and my trauma left me feeling anxious and depressed.

I started suppressing my emotions and grew uncomfortable in my skin. This led to destructive habits of self-sabotage, addictive behaviours and victim mentality. Missing stability and structure in life, I had to find ways to reclaim my self.

I found yoga when I was 18 years old. Yoga helped me to feel better and soothe the internal suffering. From there, my healing began and I embarked on a path of self discovery and development. It took time, with many lessons learned along the way. I accepted that it’s only up to me to create a happy and healthy life. I started filling myself with nourishing foods, self-love and spiritual practice.

I developed the power of my mindset and welcomed in forgiveness and gratitude. This allowed me to create a positive relationship with myself and life as we experience it. I’ve moved the pendulum from darkness to light and now live in a beautiful state of empowerment and alignment.

Which brings me to you...

I became a holistic wellness coach out of passion and desire for service. I am dedicated to helping women find their own unique formula to feel empowered, inspired, and healthy. Yoga is the foundation of my wellness practice. It has evolved also into nutrition coaching and mindset coaching.

We get to choose how we feel every day. And everything we need is already within us. When we connect to our intuition and divine self, we can effortlessly manifest dreams into reality.

The secret to a thriving life is nourishing food, daily movement, a grounded spiritual practice, a healthy sleep routine, and gratitude for life.

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Why work with me?

My commitment is to connect with your unique journey, hold space, and move you to the place of your highest potential. With ease, joy, and enthusiasm. My expertise in nutrition paired with my study of yoga and meditation will help you unlock radiant physical, mental, and spiritual health.

I have taught yoga and pilates around the world and worked with companies as a wellness coach to improve employee well-being. My offerings include nutrition and mindset coaching, yoga, and meditation classes. I enjoy collaborating in a way that feels respectful, trustworthy, curious, and fun.

In my free time, you’ll find me in women’s circles, yoga workshops, and indulging in self care. I love dining out and cooking – as a source of creativity to experiment with innovative, healthy, and sustainable menus. I balance out my passion for travel by grounding myself in nature.

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My Credentials

Diploma in Applied Holistic Nutrition from The Institute of Holistic Nutrition

Certificate in Basic Cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training from Vancouver School of Body & Massage

500-hour Yoga Teacher Training from Swadhyaya Yoga School

50-hour Holistic Yin Yoga Teacher Training from Swara Yoga School

Reformer Pilates Instructor Training with Balanced Body

Our greatest gift is living in the present moment.
Dwelling on the past and worrying about the
takes away from the beauty of life.
